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Pengarang: H. M. Abdurrachman, S.H.
ISBN: 979-8398-10-6####
Tahun Terbit: 2003
Jumlah Buku: 4
Sinopsis: H.M. Abdurrachman, SHL was born in Tegal, Central Java on 23 August 1909. His formal education was obtained at Europeesche Lagere School (ELS), Tegal, continued to Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs (MULO) in Purwokerto and continued to Algemeene Midelbare School (AMS) Afd. AI, Surakarta. After completing his education in the field of law in 1936, at the Rechtshooge School (RHS) Jakarta, he was appointed as an official seconded to the Chairman of the Landraad (District Court) in Tegal, then in 1939 seconded to the chairman of the Landraad in Surabaya, and in 1942 seconded to the Chairman of Raad Van Justitie in Surabaya. During the Japanese occupation, H.M. Abdurrachman was appointed Chairman of the Tiho Hooin (District Court) in Tulung Agung. After the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence in 1945, he assumed the position of Chairman of the Trenggalek District Court, which was then transferred to the Surabaya District Court as Deputy Chairman until he served as chairman. In 1956 he was appointed as High Judge at the Surabaya High Court. In 1957 he was appointed as Supreme Judge at the Jakarta Supreme Court, and in 1967 he was appointed as Deputy Chief Justice of the Supreme Court until his retirement in 1971. In the academic field, HM. Abdurrachman Nerabe flies for Hasanuddin University, Ujung Lambung Mangkurat. Banjarmasin. Samp Rachman is a permanent lecturer and J Madva at the Faculty of Law, Trisakti University
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